At our fertility clinic, we offer a comprehensive In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) program designed to help individuals and couples achieve their dream of becoming parents. IVF is a well-established assisted reproductive technology that has helped countless families conceive.
What is IVF?
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) involves the fertilization of an egg with sperm outside the body, in a laboratory. Once fertilized, the embryo is transferred to the uterus, where it has the potential to implant and develop into a pregnancy.
Why Consider Our IVF Program?
- Proven Success Rates: IVF has a high success rate and is an effective option for a variety of fertility problems, including advanced maternal age, blocked fallopian tubes, and male fertility problems.
- Customized Treatment Plans: Our experienced team tailors each treatment plan to meet your unique needs and circumstances, ensuring the best possible outcome.
- Comprehensive Support: We provide support throughout the entire IVF process, from the initial consultation to embryo transfer and beyond.
The Process:
- Consulta Inicial: Nuestros especialistas realizarán una evaluación exhaustiva de su historial médico y objetivos de fertilidad para determinar si la FIV es la opción adecuada para usted.
- Estimulación Ovárica: Se someterá a un tratamiento hormonal para estimular los ovarios a producir múltiples óvulos. Esto se monitorea mediante análisis de sangre y ecografías.
- Recuperación de Óvulos: Una vez que los óvulos están listos, se realiza un procedimiento quirúrgico menor para recuperarlos de los ovarios (Aspiración).
- Fertilization: The recovered eggs are combined with sperm in the laboratory to facilitate fertilization. This may involve traditional insemination or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), depending on individual circumstances.
- Embryo Culture: Fertilized eggs are monitored for several days to allow the embryos to develop. We will evaluate their quality before selecting the best candidates for the transfer.
- Embryo Transfer: One or more healthy embryos are transferred to the uterus using a thin catheter. This procedure is generally quick and minimally invasive.
- Seguimiento y Apoyo: Después de la transferencia, programaremos citas de seguimiento para monitorear tu progreso y proporcionar apoyo a lo largo del camino.
We understand that the IVF process can be emotionally challenging. Our compassionate team is here to offer you guidance and support, helping you navigate the ups and downs of this journey.
If you would like to learn more about our IVF program and how it can help you start your family, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to support you every step of your path to parenthood.
IVF with Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT)
At our fertility clinic, we offer a comprehensive In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) program that includes Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT). This combined approach improves your chances of a successful pregnancy by ensuring that only the healthiest embryos are selected for transfer.
What is IVF with PGT?
IVF with PGT involves fertilizing eggs with sperm in a laboratory and then testing the resulting embryos for genetic abnormalities before implantation. This process allows us to identify and select the healthiest embryos, increasing the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.
Why Consider IVF with PGT?
- Better Success Rates: By selecting embryos free of genetic abnormalities, you can significantly increase the chances of implantation and reduce the risk of miscarriage.
- Reduction of Genetic Disorders: If you or your partner are carriers of genetic conditions, PGT can help identify unaffected embryos, minimizing the risk of transmitting inherited disorders.
- Informed Decision Making: PGT provides valuable genetic information about the embryos, allowing you to make informed decisions about your treatment options.
FIV con Hatching Asistido (Assisted Hatching)
Una de las técnicas avanzadas que ofrecemos en nuestra clínica es el Hatching Asistido, una opción que puede aumentar las probabilidades de éxito al ayudar a los embriones a «eclosionar» de su capa protectora y facilitar su implantación en el útero.
¿Qué es el Hatching Asistido?
El Hatching Asistido es una técnica de fertilización in vitro (FIV) utilizada para mejorar las posibilidades de implantación de embriones en el útero. Durante el proceso de FIV, después de la fecundación de los óvulos y la creación de los embriones, se forma una capa externa conocida como zona pelúcida, que protege al embrión. Antes de que el embrión pueda implantarse en el útero, debe «salir» o «eclosionar» de esta capa.
El Hatching Asistido implica una intervención en esta capa, ayudando al embrión a «eclosionar» más fácilmente. Este proceso puede realizarse de forma física o química, mediante técnicas especializadas que permiten un aumento de las tasas de implantación y, en consecuencia, de embarazo.
¿Cómo Funciona el Hatching Asistido?
El proceso de Hatching Asistido incluye los siguientes pasos:
- Cultivo del embrión: Los embriones se cultivan en el laboratorio, y se observa su desarrollo en los días posteriores a la fertilización.
- Evaluación de la zona pelúcida: El especialista en fertilidad evalúa el grosor de la zona pelúcida. Si es demasiado gruesa o presenta irregularidades, se considerará la opción de realizar el Hatching Asistido.
- Intervención física o química:
- Intervención física: Se utiliza un láser para hacer una pequeña abertura en la zona pelúcida, facilitando la salida del embrión.
- Intervención química: Se usan sustancias especiales para ablandar la zona pelúcida, lo que permite que el embrión se desprenda con mayor facilidad.
- Transferencia del embrión al útero: Después del procedimiento, el embrión se transfiere al útero de la madre. La intervención realizada facilita la implantación del embrión en el revestimiento uterino, lo que aumenta las posibilidades de embarazo.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does IVF last?
The entire IVF cycle usually takes between 4 and 6 weeks, although this can vary depending on individual circumstances and the specific treatment protocol.
How many IVF cycles will I need?
The number of cycles varies for each person. Some may achieve success in the first cycle, while others may require multiple cycles. Dr. Bracero can help determine the best approach for you.
What are the risks associated with IVF?
While IVF is generally safe, some risks include:
- Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)
- Multiple pregnancies
- ectopic pregnancy
- emotional stress
Is IVF painful?
The procedure itself is minimally invasive and generally well tolerated. There may be some discomfort during egg retrieval, but sedation is typically used to manage pain.
Can I have IVF if I have a medical condition?
Many people with medical conditions can undergo IVF, but it is essential to discuss your medical history with Dr. Bracero to determine the best course of action.
What happens to unused embryos?
Unused embryos can be frozen for future use, donated to other couples, or discarded, depending on your preferences and clinic policies.